Hello there, this is the website of Drew Tibble. I was lucky enough to have a professional review of my CV recently where I was informed that it is now best practice to trim down CVs to just two sides of A4 detailing employment only over the last decade. This is fine but does not really tell the full story to people who wish to know my full employment history, skills, interests and experience so I thought that I would create this website where I can expand upon the details in my CV.
My management style is friendly and informal. I believe in giving my direct reports supported responsibility for projects. I give my team members as much support as they require, if required I show them how to create a simple RAG analysis GANTT Chart in Excel or PowerPoint, which sounds complicated but like many things really is not, so that we can regularly review progress together and resolve any issues.
Over the years I have been fortunate enough to have worked closely with some truly inspirational blue sky thinkers which has motivated me to develop my own utopian vision for technology. I believe that we should strive to provide a technological structure where working can seamlessly continue even in the event of catastrophic hardware failure or loss. Simply put, making the jump to the cloud where all resources are accessible from any location and from any device.
I am passionate about Continual Professional Development (CPD) and have developed a system of personalised skills heatmaps that highlight and address any shortcomings in areas that are in alignment with business goals.
I receive a great deal of satisfaction from trouble-shooting and seeing a great, fully tested, robust and resilient solution in place.
The part of my role that I love most is keeping abreast of the technological horizon and investigating emerging technologies and seeing how they can be used creatively to improve outcomes.
In my spare time I very much enjoy spending time with my fabulous family, strategic wargaming, carp angling, keeping and breeding tropical fish, pub quizzes, military model making and driving my gorgeous Jaguar XF 3.0l Premium Luxury spec.